The Ministry of Planning issued Ministerial Order No. (42) to form the General Authority of the Private Sector Development Council in its permanent capacity. According to the ministerial order, it was decided to “form the General Authority of the Private Sector Development Council in its permanent capacity, and the members of the Private Sector Development Council in its permanent capacity will be elected by the members of the General Authority, where the Ministry will undertake the tasks of preparing for holding elections for the Private Sector Development Council in its permanent capacity and in coordination with the relevant authorities.”.
The ministerial order attributed its decision “to what was stated in the fourth pillar of the private sector development strategy in Iraq 2014-2030 {implementation structure} establishing the Private Sector Development Council to be the highest institutional structure that supervises the aforementioned strategy and in line with what was stated in paragraph (25) of the curriculum paper.” The Ministerial Council of the Government, which stipulated “a commitment to support the private sector, whether in the field of implementation or legislation, as it is a partner in reconstruction and construction, and the Ministry of Planning is keen to continue this support, out of its belief in its vital role in revitalizing and developing the Iraqi economy as the primary partner in formulating economic policies in Iraq.”
Mr. G. Al-Attar – Chairman of the Group was elected as a member of the General Authority of the Private Sector Development Council in his permanent capacity for the commercial sector and commercial agencies – Ministry of Planning.